Is Your Comfort Zone Compromising Your Dream?
Is your widescreen TV, love of ice cream, and comfy couch sabotaging your dream of being fit and healthy? Are your “party hardy friends” seducing you back into adolescent behavior? Is your lack of savvy [...]
Your Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own
Are you holding yourself back? Do you hesitate to take action you know you need to take? Is your life in a “stall”? Your brain may not be of much help, but your heart certainly [...]
Seduction By Your Inner Critic
Do you live with an inner judge that relentlessly hounds you? A critical voice that is never appeased by anything you do? Sometimes barely a whisper and at other times it is screaming in your [...]
Yourself Or Money: Who Do You Love More?
If money were your lover how would you describe your relationship? Is your relationship in balance, full of harmony, respect, and gratitude? Or is money scarce- rarely showing up to keep you company- never giving [...]
Dancing With Time Through Life Transitions
How goes your dance with “Time”? Are you in a smooth rhythm with Time- moving gracefully in sync with life’s music or are you harassing, cajoling, demanding, and stepping on Time’s toes trying to manipulate [...]
Take This Job And Shove It?
Remember the old Johnny Paycheck song- “take this job and shove it, I ain’t working here no more”. Do you have those “days” when you feel like the job has taken you to your limits—a [...]
Swinging Between Life’s Trapeze Holds: Desert Or Dessert?
Have you ever thought about the difference between desert and dessert—just one small “s” but oh such different images come to mind. Lemon pie, chocolate chip cookies, German chocolate cake—gooey, rich, yummy, comforting food vs [...]
Life Transitions: You Caught The Dream, Now What?
Ever wake up one morning and think- now what? You got the degree, the house, the marriage, the kids, the dog, the career—is this all there is? With this dream has come-- the school debt, [...]
Life Transitions: Dasher or Dragger-What is Your MO?
When things are coming to an end, do you rush to get past the awkward feelings or drag it out- hoping that maybe it won’t really be over? Think about when you are on the [...]
Life Transitions-Listening To The Gentle Whispers
What were you born to do with your life? What is your unique gift to the world? What will provide the most meaning for your soul? I have often wished that I had been given [...]
Work With Me
What makes me different: My work with you is personalized and tailored to fit your specific needs. I come alongside and walk through trenches with you, provide tools, brainstorm with you, hold you accountable, challenge [...]
What you seek is seeking you.
To love what you do and feel that it matters–how could anything be more fun.